La Production du sel à l'Age du Fer. View larger

La Production du sel à l'Age du Fer.



Gilles PRILAUX - La Production du sel à l'Age du Fer. Contribution à l'établissement d'une typologie à partir des exemples de l'autoroute A16,(préf. de Cl. Mordant), 2000, 118 p., 61 ill. (ISBN : 2-907303-40-6)

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24,64 €

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Until recently, archaeological evidence for salt production during the Iron Age was limited, however, evidence from recent excavations and studies have started to shed light on this essential and profitable activity. Over many centuries, salt extracted from the sea, was marketed throughout Europe and was an important object of long-distance trade that has yet to be properly understood.
The construction of the A16 motorway in the north of France uncovered several salt production workshops dating to the second Iron Age. The publication of this material in this monograph allows for a comparison of the techniques of production, the organisation of the workshops and the creation of a typology of ovens and other salt production technology (troughs, supports...).
This handbook, delivering the results of recent rescue excavations, provides a general study on the prehistory and economy of salt extraction and its use in antiquity.

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