Puits funéraire d'époque gauloise à Paris (Sénat). View larger

Puits funéraire d'époque gauloise à Paris (Sénat).



Matthieu POUX - Puits funéraire d'époque gauloise à Paris (Sénat). Une tombe d'auxiliaire républicain dans le sous-sol de Lutèce,(Préf. Chr. Goudineau), 1999, 171 p., 131 ill. (ISBN: 2-907303-24-4)

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34,12 €

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The well discovered in Paris in 1974, on the occasion of works extending the Senate in the Luxembourg area, was never the object of an indepth study, since its artefacts were not identified at the time of discovery. Examining this structure, which was not dug to serve as a well for water, brought to light one of the most ancient archaeological finds in the town of Lutetia. A soldier dating from the Ist century A.D. can be identified thanks to the human bones and related artefacts found in the remnants at the bottom of the well. Equipped with a Gaulish sword, two iron fibulae, a belt with a bronze buckle and studded sandals typical of Roman army wear, the man was, without a doubt, an auxiliary in the Caesarean legions, one of those recruits who played an important role in romanizing the Gaulish elites.
The analysis of the different classification and chronology of related artefacts (numerous Italic amphorae, ceramics, coin, fauna, etc.) is carried out with the precision of a detective work. Whatever its interpretation, this entity represents a new landmark in tackling the early history of the capital.

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