Les Occupations néolithiques dans le Nord-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine View larger

Les Occupations néolithiques dans le Nord-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine.



Etienne ZANGATO - Les Occupations néolithiques dans le Nord-Ouest de la République Centrafricaine,(Préf. Ch. Bonnet), 2000, 124 p., 70 fig., 35 tabl. (ISBN: 2-907303-44-9)

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26,54 €

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Following on from the publication in 1999, by the same author, of the results of 12 years of archaeological research in the Bouar region in the north-west of the Central African Republic, this volume comprises an archaeological study of Neolithic sites, both buried and surface. The period is characterized by a lithic industry producing waste flakes and struck tools in quartz and quartz sandstones, predominantly arrow heads, scrapers and other implements. This industry is associated with coiled and decorated ceramics demonstrating a wide range of manufacturing techniques. This material culture remained virtually unchanged between 5100 and 2700 BP, but between 2750 and 2700 BP a number of polished axes and megalithic monuments of a non-funerary nature made their appearance.
The abundance of data and of archaeological structures in the Bouar region, as well as the wide variety of ceramics dating to these phases, makes this volume rich in detailed information about a time when Neolithic societies in Central Africa were moving from a pre-megalithic phase (5090 to 2920 BP) to a megalithic one (2920-2750 BP).


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