Circulacion monetaria en el area occidental de la peninsula ibérica. "La moneda en torno al " "Camino de la Plata". View larger

Circulacion monetaria en el area occidental de la peninsula ibérica. "La moneda en torno al " "Camino de la Plata".



Cruces BLAZQUEZ CERRATO - AHR-06 - Circulacion monetaria en el area occidental de la peninsula ibérica. "La moneda en torno al" "Camino de la Plata"", 2002, 358 p., 211 fig., 306 tabl., 18 pl. (ISBN: 2-907303-64-3)

Ce travail présente une analyse de la circulation monétaire au sein du territoire que traverse l’une des voies de communication les plus importantes de l’Espagne romaine, le «Camino de la Plata» reliant Augusta Emerita et Asturica Augusta.

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52,13 €

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This report is an analysis of the circulation of coinage in the territory crossed by one of the principal arteries of communication in Roman Spain, the so-called "Camino de la Plata", which linked Augusta Emerita and Asturica Augusta. The underlying objective of the study was to establish an understanding of the economic and social situation in western Spain by examining the distribution and function of coinage in a wide region inhabited by diverse groups of people. By providing a clear picture of centres of occupation and trade links, the author has attempted to provide support for the hypothesis that such an important road would itself be the backbone of a definable territory, lacking a local mint and operating only with imported coinage. Furthermore, she presents a panoramic study about widely differing areas united by a road rich in profitable traded goods, the impact of which on the surrounding settlements must have been enormously important. One aspect of the study that is of particular interest to the the author is the close relationship between coinage and the army and between the army and mineral extraction, particularly in those districts where coins were little used prior to the arrival of the Roman troops.

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