2000 ans d’agriculture en Roussillon View larger

2000 ans d’agriculture en Roussillon



APA-07 - 2000 ans d’agriculture en RoussillonProductions végétales, pratiques et terroirs protohistoriques, antiques et médiévaux. Jérôme ROS, 2020, 230 p. (ISBN : 978-2-35518-096-5).

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38,86 €

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Throughout its history, the Roussillon plain (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) has occupied a position at the crossroads of various cultural and economic influences, between the Mediterranean world, the Iberian Peninsula and southern Gaul, on one hand, and between the communities of the mountains and those of the plain, on the other hand. In this respect, it represents a privileged observation site for understanding the circulation of agricultural products and techniques, and their integration to the protohistoric, ancient and medieval societies of this part of the northwestern
Although the region appeared to be largely lacking in data on agrarian archaeology, archaeobotanical studies carried out on 41 plain and mountain sites allowed presenting a first diachronic synthesis on exploited species, agro-horticultural practices, valued terroirs and their evolution over the long term (500 BC - 1500 AD). Thanks to these studies, 41 cultivated/exploited plants and nearly 268 wild plants were identified, making it possible to characterize past agricultural diversity, to restore agrarian practices (operating chains) and exploited landscapes (fields, grasslands, wetland margins, garrigues, etc.), to characterize the impact of different populations, particularly Roman populations (agricultural specialization), on agricultural systems and, finally, to highlight the circulation or introduction of exotic species (e. g. cypress). After a discussion on the evolution of lowland and foothills crop production between the Iron Age and the Middle Ages, the obtained data were compared with those

Introduction générale

Chapitre I. Contexte géographique et chrono-culturel

Chapitre II. Corpus documentaire et méthodes

Chapitre III. Bilan quantifié des études carpologiques

Chapitre IV. Agriculture de plaine et piémonts : produits, gestes et terroirs

Chapitre V. Statuts, usages et évolutions des productions agro-horticoles roussillonnaises : dynamiques spatio-temporelles

Conclusion générale

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